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Industry 4.0 impact on management practices and economics (IN4ACT)

The objective of the IN4ACT project is to implement structural changes at the Kauno Technologijos Universitetas (KTU) School of Economics and Business through the opening of an ERA Chair in “Industry 4.0 Management and Economics” research, to increase research excellence, socio-economic impact, international reputation, and attractiveness to international talented researchers and students.

An ERA Chair holder and a team will be recruited to

1/ Implement an ambitious research agenda on the impact of future manufacturing (Industry 4.0) on management practices and economics;

2/ Drive changes at the KTU School of Economics and Business related with research management and human resources, especially to comply with the ERA priorities;

3/ Improve the School’s exploitation, dissemination, and communication capacities;

4/ Grow networks and increase links with stakeholders, especially to increase participation in Horizon 2020.

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IN4ACT research strategy

ERA Chair research strategy outlined in this document seeks to extend beyond traditional research and scientific disciplinary boundaries. On one hand, this involves the adoption of an interdisciplinary perspective transcending conventional forms of academic specialization; on the other, it demands sustained engagement with stakeholders and social actors beyond the boundaries of academia and research, i.e., systematic engagement with the worlds of business, civil society, and institutions of governance, policy and regulation and different levels of public administration. This is the methodological principle underlying the ERA Chair research strategy.


Alignment between research strategy and smart specialization strategy

Framework for alignment between research strategy and smart specialization strategy lays out a set of thematic and operational areas in which IN4ACT can contribute to the objectives of Lithuania’s Research and Innovation Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3). The document identifies a list of priorities to be addressed, along with short descriptions of outputs the ERA Chair team can produce that are relevant to the RIS3, and the modalities of engagement with the authorities responsible for the implementation of Lithuania’s RIS3 strategy. The main rationale of Deliverable D7.1 is to ensure maximum relevance of IN4ACT to Lithuania’s RIS3 strategy throughout the project’s life and sustained impact after the project’s completion.


Industry 4.0 and COVID-19

The IN4ACT Research Strategy in the New Historical Context

It is increasingly clear that our era will be defined as a fundamental pivotal point between two historical phases: the era before COVID-19 and a post-viral period of – as yet – largely undefined and uncharted contours. Today, leading academic, business, and policy circles and reasoned analysts seem to converge around an emerging consensus that we are entering an era where we will witness a dramatic restructuring of the economic and social order in which business and society have hitherto operated. At the same time, we are likely to see the rise of heated debate about what the so-called “new normal” could and should entail regarding the roles, rights, and responsibilities of all stakeholders and key actors in civil society, the state, and institutions of public governance.

In this context, the IN4ACT project sets out to map and evaluate the multi-faceted impact of COVID-19 on Industry 4.0



Overall objective

The objective of the IN4ACT project is to implement structural changes at the School of Economics and Business, Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) through the opening of an ERA Chair in “Industry 4.0 Management and Economics” research, to increase research excellence, socio-economic impact, international reputation, and attractiveness to international talented researchers and students.

Each specific objective is detailed below using the SMART objective framework:

S for specific –          What result will be delivered?
M for measurable –          Which criteria define success?
A for achievable –          Does KTU have the capabilities to attain the objective?
R for realistic –          Are the conditions favorable to attain the objective?
T for time-bound –          What is the time frame to attain the objective?


To achieve its overall objective, the IN4ACT project will focus on seven specific objectives.

Objective 1
Recruit an outstanding researcher to fulfil the ERA-Chair holder position and international talents to set up the ERA Chair team

Result 1.1. Outstanding researcher recruited as ERA Chair holder through an open, transparent, and merit-based process applying the principles set in the European Commission’s Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

Result 1.2. Interdisciplinary highly-skilled ERA Chair team members recruited through a process following the principles of the Code of Conduct.


Success criterion 1.1. All principles and requirements of the Code of Conduct respected during the recruitment of the ERA Chair holder.

Success criterion 1.2. All ERA Chair team members recruited through a process complying with all principles and requirements of the Code of Conduct.


To attract the ERA Chair holder and the team members, the KTU School of Economics and Business provides an intellectually stimulating environment for research and education that allows proactive interdisciplinary projects with technology faculties and businesses, especially through the KTU National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre, which is a platform for business-academia collaboration.

The school’s research performance is increasing, opening more to international collaborations and already recognised through publications in reputed journals and presentations in international conferences. The mobility at the school is also increasing and the number of international researchers joining the School is growing. Through the IN4ACT project, the School is also able to provide competitive salaries and benefits, working conditions, research perspectives, and international projects opportunities.

KTU grants the project steering committee with the right and responsibility to recruit the ERA Chair holder through a Code of Conduct compliant process. Then, KTU grants the ERA Chair holder with the rights and responsibilities to recruit the team following principles and requirements of the Code of Conduct.


The research orientation of the ERA Chair is relevant to all EU member states’ economies and societies, and future-oriented since it focuses on understanding and applications for dealing with the “future manufacturing” paradigm. It aligns both with the Lithuanian Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) and with EU development priorities. Thus, the project is very relevant in terms of socio-economic impact and the possibility of raising research funding, societal engagement, and policymakers’ support.

It is also a competitive position within the international economics and management research fora, allowing the ERA Chair holder to develop recognised expertise worldwide.

The project proposal defines the ERA Chair holder and team recruitment conditions and requirements, which comply with the Code of Conduct. They will bind KTU with the European Commission through the Grant Agreement, ensuring the Code of Conduct is respected.

  • The ERA Chair holder recruitment campaign is launched by month 3.
  • The deadline for applications is set to month 7.
  • The review and ranking of the applications are done in month 8.
  • The recruited candidate is expected to start by month 12.
  • The ERA Chair team members recruitment campaign is launched by month 15.
  • The deadline for applications is set to month 19.
  • The review and ranking of the applications are done in month 20.
  • The recruited candidates are expected to start by month 24.