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Seminar series

📅 Date: June 5 D. 13:00 – June 19 D. 16:30, 2023

Diego Prior Jiménez, Ph.D., Full Professor in the Department of Business at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. Member of the Editorial Committee of five academic journals (Editor-in-Chief in one of them) related with accounting control, efficiency and financial analysis. Member of the Scientific Committee of sixteen national and international conferences. His research interests, published in international journals, are the efficiency analysis of organisations and firms’ financial analysis. In the efficiency analysis field, the research is oriented towards the design of models to assess the efficiency of organisations, both public and private, and to design programs to improve their performance. In the financial analysis, the research is oriented towards the comparative benchmark of performance and risk of the European firms in the framework of global competition.  Diego has have worked on 38 research projects with external financing, appearing as principal researcher in 27 of them. He has published 89 articles, 76 of them in peer-rewiewed Spanish and international academic journals. He has written 14 books and books chapters. He has supervised 21 doctoral dissertations. More information and full CV can be found in:

Webinars series objectives:

  • Justify the importance of reviewing the literature in the research process.
  • Design the process to elaborate a literature review.
  • Develop the elements of the text mining and meta-analysis by the use of existent databases (SCOPUS and WOS) and software packages (in the framework of Rstudio).
  • Identify, discuss and elaborate examples by students.

SESSION 1 (June 5, 2023)

  • Introduction
  • Purpose and process of literature reviews
  • Literature reviews: types and approaches
  • Publishability of and tips for strong literature reviews

SESSION 2 (June 12, 2023)

  • Execution of the review phases
  • Introduction to meta-analysis

SESSION 3 (June 19, 2023) (Diego Prior)

  • Text mining with Bibliometrix
  • Alumni: Preparation and presentation of a proposal of literature review.

Time: 13:00 – 16:30

The sessions will be face to online. The link to the sessions will be send to the registered participants a day before the course.

Certificates will be issued for participants following their full attendance in all three seminars.

June 5 d., 2023 13:00 - June 19 d., 2023 16:30


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